Day of Romance languages

StartEventsDay of Romance languages

Day of Romance languages

The Day of Romance Languages, celebrated at our university, was an extraordinary event that gathered students, lecturers and supporters of Romance culture. That day, the campus was teeming with life, full of sounds, colors and aromas typical of Romance-speaking countries.

The main point of the program were the stories of students who participated in the Erasmus program. Their reports took us to various parts of Europe, where they had the opportunity not only to improve their language skills, but also to immerse themselves in the local culture. Each story was unique and full of emotions. Students talked about everyday challenges that became opportunities for learning and personal development. They cited anecdotes from academic life, meetings with local residents and travels to picturesque corners of these countries.

The highlight of the Day of Romance Languages ​​was the results of the song competition in Romance languages. This competition enjoyed great interest among students. The participants presented their vocal skills by performing songs in Spanish, Italian and French. The level of performances was very high.

Time and place:



Studium Praktycznej Nauki Języków Obcych