Psychological Counselling for English Division Students of the MUG

StartSupport during your stayPsychological Counselling f...

If you would like to arrange a meeting please contact:

Alicja Raczak, Ph.D.

counsellor and psychotherapist

Department of Clinical Psychology, Tuwima 15, room no. 108

When you should think about psychological consultation?


Acute psychiatric consultation and psychological counselling for the MUG students are available on 24/7 basis and being provided by the Department of Psychiatry UCC. In each case, please, refer to the Clinical Emergency Department UCC where psychiatrist consultation takes place, being followed by psychological management.

Department of Psychiatry UCC

Gdańsk, Dębinki, Building 25

Clinical Emergency Department UCC

Gdańsk, Mariana Smoluchowskiego 17 street
The MUG Invasive Medicine Centre, ground floor